
Through Wall Imaging (TWI) Radar

Salient Features:

  1. Ability to detect and classify distinct living and non-living targets.
  2. Identify the shapes of the targets.
  3. Differentiate low and high dielectric targets.

SNo Specifications Details
1 Detection technology Ground penetrating radar – SFCW based
2 Mobility Hand held man portable
3 Dimensions (approx.) Length: 50 cm, Diameter: 50 cm, Height: 100 cm
4 Detection and Detection Performance Specifications
(a) Control over working depth Any type of wall upto thickness 30-40 cm
(b) Detection sensitivity Capable of detection of selected targets in maximum types of walls.
(c) Detection performance to include clear detection of:-
  1. Low metal content objects.
  2. Living.
  3. Non Living.
  4. Non conductive material.
Output indicator Audio with external speaker /headphone
5 Sensor Specifications
(a)Transmitter characteristics TWI stepped frequency with centre frequency of 20000 MHz
(b) Transmitted power +10-12 dBm (typical)
(c) Spatial resolution 10 cm

Different types of targets:

Results for metal circular target

  • (a) Range profile of reflected data in which target reflection is low with respect to wall,

    (b) Range profile after averaging of data now targets reflection is enhanced with respect to wall and

    (c) Generate B-Scan image after applying ICA.

  • (a) C scan image after background subtraction,

    (b) Cubic interpolation image and

    (c) LoG edge detection image.

Results for living target

  • (a) Human target
    (b) Range profile of human target
    (c) Breathing and heartbeat frequency response after MTI filtering
    (d) R-D plane after MTI filtering

Human mock-up target and its corresponding C-scan image